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Monday, January 12, 2009

Photography Competition Rules :

1. The images submitted must be taken throughout MIFC 2008 event days. Images taken from other sources will not be accepted.
2. EXIF information for the image must be intact to retrieve photo information.
3. Write a short description of your photo, as well as a title/name for it when submitting your image.
4. Images must be uploaded via the image submission form, click here
5. Supported image formats : .jpg , .jpeg , .png .gif. Maximum size of 500KB.
6. Images must not contain borders and watermarks.
7. Images dimension must be 800px (800 pixels) on the longer side. No larger or smaller.
8. Only ONE submission for each user. You may resubmit within the contest period.
9. In case of re-submission, please delete the old image link by editing your old submission thread. Only ONE thread per user per contest
10. will reserve the right to repost the images on the Fantastic Photo Gallery.
11. Photographer will retain all other copyrights of the images.
12. The moderating team have the right to accept or to reject any submission without prior notice or explanation.

International Photography Contest 2009

photography competition People Gallery